Hopefully there is constant monitoring of foreign factory trawlers and the like. The ethic of greed that suffices those fleets which may even en-enslave some of their crew members is in-bound. They would strip mine the oceans to their extinction in the reach for a huge bottomline. The Coast Guard, our Navy and our satellite monitors have their work cut out for them. The Bering Sea is no mere lake.

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They can't get tenders because they never paid the ones from last year

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Actually this started a long time ago early on when we were a cash rich state beyond our wildest dreams. Jay Hammond saw this coming. All politicians are bought and paid for. AIDEA is the last vestige of the old school vulture culture of who knows who good ole boy network. They Al live in Arizona now. Two Million here and six million there yada yada who. We are a greedy lot mankind no matter which way you slice or butter your bread. The land will reclaim itself possibly some day after man is gone. Remember we are recent visitors compared to the natives who traversed the land bridge ten thousand years or more ago.

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If PP's out of it maybe the greens will allow a road to be built.

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Thanks to our senators in Washington DC letting all this foreign Seafood come to the United States screw their own people screw Alaska screwed them in the West Coast East Coast Gulf of Mexico what the hell do we vote them in for? oh, I guess for higher interest rates higher Fule costs fish prices dropping to the fisherman fish prices never change in the store. What’s up with that?

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I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again this state is going down by the head. Gross incompetence and malfeasance at every level for decades. The heyday is long since gone. Let the exodus begin. We will become a territory again possibly and that actually wouldn’t be a bad thing.

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