Sorry, but let's get this straight -- carbon is NOT pollution! Carbon dioxide is a (now) trace gas that is essential to all life on earth! CO2 on this planet was MUCH higher in prehistoric times, and at the same time the earth's ecosystems were much more lush and filled with life, with few deserts - one reason why fossils of tropical plant life were found around the area of the Malaspina Glacier! The notion that carbon is pollution is simply junk science. https://www.mdpi.com/2225-1154/5/4/76#B28-climate-05-00076

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I only hope I can get out of here alive and that’s it. Nero fiddles whole Rome burns.

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How much did that “Clean Coal” plant the Feds paid for, the one near the Healy mine cost? $200 million and it failed utterly at running clean. Let’s assume it is operating anyway. Cost effective nuclear stays ten years off in the future while fusion remains at twenty years. There is still no permanent place to store radioactive waste and store it securely for ten thousand years.

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nat what is your policy on feeding trolls in the comments section? asking for a new friend.

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Who made you hall

Monitor? Don’t like alternative ideas to solutions that will affect this once great state going forward? Try harder

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this only makes my question more pertinent.

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Ben, maybe I should use the pseudonym “Publius”, just like the founders of this country? Did they have an inherent lack of good faith too? Sometimes there are good reasons for using pseudonyms.

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Ben, who are you trying to ban and censor and why?

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Oh, no one. It’s simply not that deep. I made a dumb joke not accounting for two things: I forgot twitter was dead and I didn’t realize the comments here would be like Facebook or the ADN. I promise I will never bring sarcasm or an understanding of science to this comment section again 🙏

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Ben, I would counter that Twitter is only dead if you are CIA/FBI/Deep state who can’t get away with banning and censoring half the country anymore. What Musk did with Twitter was glorious... Twitter runs better now that Musk let 80% of the employees go... all the censors!

Secondly, please highlight where you brought an understanding of science to the comment section... I would like to be enlightened and perhaps engage in healthy debate!

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I will pass on your kind offer. You don’t even use your real name, so there’s an inherent lack of good faith engagement. Take care out there, and have a nice day 🏔️☀️

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