Yup, what all these squirming title monsters forget is just how they should live with nature and not schedules and if there is no snow...well, you walk on leaves of grass...no one ever wrote a poem about artificial snow.

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It's all well and good to advocate for combating climate change, but what does that really mean? Is it pointing fingers at the producers of fossil fuels and industries, who make the things we all love to consume in great quantities? It's not the producers to blame, it's the consumers of their products. If we'd all, individually and collectively, consume less (travel less, drive less, buy less, heat less, etc.), that would actually combat climate change. But most everyone wants to do what they like to do, even if it entails using a lots of fossil fuel, and are unwilling to acknowledge and take responsibility for the effect of their actions on climate. Advocating for combating climate change may feel good and noble, but if it comes down to just railing against "others" while continuing lives that are hugely fossil fueled, that is sanctimonious hypocrisy. By skiers or whoever.

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So there is weather too. As it snows another two feet in girdwood and we out north watch ole man winter hang on…entropy is real so too are chemtrails. I would love to see that issue addressed in congress or here. Congratulations on a fantastic victory! One for the ages. Someone probably said a little prayer for snow…?

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